Salford Red Devils


As part of the club rebrand, Salford Red Devils was looking for a new mascot to join their team. The new mascot, Diablo, was described as being known for his cockiness, boldness, dancing, strutting with attitude and heckling the opposition. The challenge was to design a child friendly mascot, which is able to run, climb and compete in physical activity. It had to be a devil and had to show a likeness to the new club badge, even if vaguely.


For the 4 proposals I focused on assigning different characteristics to each design, trying to give every variation a cocky but still distinctive personality.
The next stage involved introducing sub-themes that would accentuate Diablo's personality in various ways.

The sub-themes were: king (1), jester (2) and punk (3).

The client has chosen the last design but requested the design to be cutified to appeal to a younger audience.