

With multiple facilities around the world, Aquaflora’s mission is to preserve local aquatic flora and fauna. We are not just an aquarium, we are a chain of national parks aiming to protect the often overlooked, but still beautiful, freshwater life.


Aquaflora was looking for a dynamic brand which could be molded to fit to each facility in different countries. Taking inspiration from each country's art and culture, the brand not only aims to appreciate the local natural environment but the local culture as well.


This is a fictional brief for a fictional aquarium/botanical garden hybrid facility.

Aquaflora was looking for a dynamic brand which could be molded to fit to each facility in different countries. Taking inspiration from each country's art and culture, the brand not only aims to appreciate the local natural environment but the local culture as well.

Each palette is inspired by art from the country the facility is located in. For example, UK design takes inspiration from traditional British landscape paintings which often feature dark and muted colours. Thai design on the other hand, takes inspiration from traditional Thai art which features outlines. It's monochromatic design corresponds to Thai colours of the week.